用途及特點: 膠帶輸送機適用于輸送堆積密度小于1.67/噸/立方米,易于掏取的粉狀、粒狀、小塊狀的低磨琢性物料及袋裝物料,如煤、碎石、砂、水泥、化肥、糧食等。被送物料溫度小于60℃。其機長及裝配形式可根據用戶要求確定,傳動可用電滾筒,也可用帶驅動架的驅動裝置。 Strap Conveyer can convey powder granule nubbly material and bagged
object,such as coal,gr**el,sand,cement,fertilizer and food supp;ies and so on.The temperzture of conveyed objects is below 60℃.According to the need of different users we produces different conveyer
longth and installation made.conveying can use electricity running canister or driving equipment with driving frame. 主要技術參數:technical parameter